Are you trying to find a job in Australia? As a backpacker with a valid Working Holiday Visa it's possible to work during your stay in Australia. It's the perfect way to earn and save some money again for your next destinations or tours. If you would like to stay in Australia for more than one year, another good reason to start working is to get your 2nd or 3rd Working Holiday Visa year. This can be done, for example, through farm work or working in construction. The only problem sometimes is: where do you find these jobs and can you trust the people you work for?
Well, stop looking! We already have a few jobs for you where you might be able to get started!
New South Wales
Farmwork for 2nd year visa, nearby Mildura
- Farm work that counts towards your second year visa
- Working on vineyards (picking, packing and pruning)
- Work for 12 months a year
- Including accommodation if necessary
- The first day you will be paid $25.50/hour to learn the process,
after that you will be paid based on piece rate.
- Working hours based on weather and temperatures.
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